Helpful Resources

A collection of papers and articles about the world of data and privacy that we hope will be useful for your work!


End of 3rd-party cookies: road to 2023

In this white paper, you can find the updated State of the Art in terms of cookieless solutions, with the precious opinions of Google, Salesforce, Facebook, OneTrust and Criteo to understand how the digital advertising scenario will evolve in the future years.


The future of Data Collection

Although the date of disposal of third-party cookies has been postponed, it is advisable to have clear understanding of the options to consider when collecting and using your first party data, at the same time taking account of the right way to collect them, as laid down in the new provisions of the Italian Privacy Guarantor.

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Guida al digitale senza cookie di terze parti. Road to 2023 - Vol 2

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Il futuro della data collection

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End of 3rd-party cookies: road to 2023

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The future of Data Collection

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